Warm-Up: - Coach B Snatch Grip Warm Up - Jerk Progressions A. Push Press (+1 Rep) + Push Jerk (+1 Rep) + Split Jerk (+1 Rep) x 4 sets @ 70% of best push-press B. Snatch Deadlift: 3 Reps x 3 sets @ 95% of best snatch C. High Hang Snatch + Above the knee Snatch: 6 sets of this complex @ 70-75%
A. Snatch High Pull w/ pause at top
- 5 sets of 3 reps at light, easy weight
B. Power Snatch (1 rep) + Overhead Squat (3 rep)
- 4 sets - work up to challenging weight. No more than 80% of best snatch
C. Squat Clean* (1 rep) + Jerk (2 reps)
- 4 sets - work up to challenging weight. No more than 80% of best clean
* If uncomfortable with performing Squat Clean then do Power Cleans
Barbell Warm-Up (with light weight or just the bar)
- 3 sets of...
- 5 Hang Power Clean
- 5 Front Squat
- 5 Push Press
A. Snatch Balance (+1) + Overhead Squat (+3)
- 5 sets of the above @ 60-70%
B. Hang Muscle Snatch
- 5 sets, work up to challenging weight
C. Clean and Jerk
- Work up to 2 rep Max in 6 sets or less
- All cleans from the floor, can be power clean or squat clean. Jerks can be push jerk or split jerk