Warm-Up / Skill Review
- Review of Snatch variations: Muscle, Power, Etc.
- Clean & Jerk: Foot/ Hand position review
A. Muscle Snatch: 1-1-1
Power Snatch: 3-3-3
Snatch: 5-5-5
In this workout, you will go as heavy as you can and establish a one rep max in the Muscle Snatch. After that you will do the same for a 3RM on the Power Snatch (All touch and go) and then a 5RM on the Snatch. Watch the video if you still don't get it.
B. Clean and Jerk: Take as long as needed to work up to 90% of your 1 Rep. Max.
You may power or Squat Clean and you may Split Jerk or Push Jerk.